Report I2021-1 Recommendation 25 Responses

Report I2021-1: Investigations of Improper Activities by State Agencies and Employees (Release Date: May 2021)

Case Number I2019-0663

Recommendation #25 To: Food and Agriculture, Department of

To remedy the effects of the improper governmental activities this investigation identified and to prevent those activities from recurring, Food and Agriculture should review other DAAs that provide state-owned housing to ensure that they have housing policies and that they charge employees appropriate daily rates for any overnight stays.

Agency Response From October 2023

Food and Agriculture reported in October 2023 that it has developed a housing policy that is applicable to all DAAs and addresses record keeping and overnight stays. Food and Agriculture added that it anticipates distributing the policy to all DAAs by the end of January 2024.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Partially Implemented

Agency Response From November 2022

Food and Agriculture reported that it has developed a housing policy applicable to all DAAs and that the policy addresses recording keeping and overnight stays. Food and Agriculture added that the policy is in its final review and will be distributed to the DAAs in approximately 10 calendar days. Food and Agriculture also reported that a DAA interested in developing its own policy would need to have Food and Agriculture concurrence before any new policy can be adopted.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Partially Implemented

Agency Response From June 2022

Food and Agriculture reported that when the housing policy is finalized, which is now expected in July 2022, it intends to send a letter to DAAs with state-owned housing of the need to adopt a housing policy.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Partially Implemented

Agency Response From March 2022

In March 2022, Food and Agriculture provided us with a copy of the survey it completed to ensure an accurate inventory of DAAs with state-owned housing. By May 2022, Food and Agriculture intends to inform the DAAs with state-owned housing of the need to adopt a housing policy.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Partially Implemented

Agency Response From December 2021

Food and Agriculture reported that it initiated a survey of all DAAs to ensure an accurate inventory of DAAs with state-owned housing in September 2021 and that its Fairs and Expositions Branch will draft a circular letter to inform DAAs of the need to adopt a housing policy and will follow up with fairs that have state-owned housing to make sure policies are implemented. However, Food and Agriculture has not provided evidence that confirms the surveys have been completed. Food and Agriculture reported in December 2021 that it expects to complete this recommendation by February 2022.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Partially Implemented

Agency Response From October 2021

Food and Agriculture reported that it still expects to complete this recommendation by November 2021.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

Agency Response From June 2021

Food and Agriculture reported that by September 2021, it will initiate a survey of all DAAs to ensure an accurate inventory of DAAs with state-owned housing. Food and Agriculture added that it is in the process of providing a letter to DAAs informing them of the need to adopt a housing policy and that it will follow up with DAAs with state-owned housing to ensure that policies are implemented. Food and Agriculture stated that it anticipates completing this recommendation by November 2021.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

Agency Response From April 2021

Food and Agriculture stated that they will work with the network of DAAs that provide state-owned housing to ensure that they have housing policies and that they charge employees appropriate daily rates for any overnight stays.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Pending

All Recommendations in I2021-1