Report 2021-611 Recommendation 5 Responses

Report 2021-611: Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund: Some University Campuses Did Not Maximize Available Federal Pandemic Funds, and They Prioritized Students Differently When Awarding Relief Funds (Release Date: November 2021)

Recommendation #5 To: University of California

In the event of a future emergency federal student aid program that lacks detailed criteria regarding how funds are to be awarded, such as an allocation of additional pandemic-related funds under current requirements, UCOP should provide guidance on the priorities and processes for distributing student aid so that its campuses can consistently distribute funds to students in similar situations.

Effective February 9, 2022, a new process has been established for review and approval of any campus emergency grant spending plans. The process has four steps: 1) systemwide Education Financing Model Steering Committee defines the criteria for spending plans, including target populations for additional support, 2) UCOP releases a template for reporting campus spending plans, 3) review by the Executive Director for Student Financial Support, and 4) final approval by the Vice President of Graduate, Undergraduate and Equity Affairs at UCOP.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Fully Implemented

The University of California Office of the President established a process for the review and approval of campuses' spending plans in the event of future emergency grant funding.

All Recommendations in 2021-611

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.