Report 2016-301 Recommendation 6 Responses

Report 2016-301: Judicial Branch Procurement: The Five Superior Courts We Reviewed Mostly Adhered to Required and Recommended Practices, but Some Improvements Are Needed (Release Date: November 2016)

Recommendation #6 To: Superior Court of California, County of Tehama

The Tehama court should follow the requirements and recommended practices of the Judicial Council and the State to ensure that it obtains the best value for the goods and services it purchases through contracts. Specifically, the Tehama court should follow the judicial contracting manual's recommendations for procurement processes, and it should provide and consistently retain in contract files its justifications for entering into contracts that it has not competitively bid.

60-Day Agency Response

The [Tehama] court agrees with the recommendation and has implemented a process for retaining justifications for entering into contracts in the actual contract file.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Fully Implemented


All Recommendations in 2016-301

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.