Report 2010-101 Recommendation 10 Responses

Report 2010-101: Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery: Deficiencies in Forecasting and Ineffective Management Have Hindered the Beverage Container Recycling Program (Release Date: June 2010)

Recommendation #10 To: Resources Recycling and Recovery, Department of

To improve its forecasting of revenues and expenditures for the beverage fund, the department should ensure that the actual fund balances of the beverage fund in future governor's budgets reflect actual revenues and expenditures from its accounting records.

1-Year Agency Response

The department developed a procedure to reconcile its records with the State Controller’s Office data to ensure correct information is presented to the Department of Finance for preparing the governor’s budget. (2012-406, p. 158).

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented

All Recommendations in 2010-101

Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.