2023-130 Department of State Hospitals – Sexually Violent Predator (SVP) Conditional Release Program (CONREP)
Published: October 15, 2024
Audit Recommendations Disclosure
When an audit is completed and a report is issued, auditees must provide the State Auditor with information regarding their progress in implementing recommendations from our reports at three intervals from the release of the report: 60 days, six months, and one year. Additionally, Senate Bill 1452 (Chapter 452, Statutes of 2006), requires auditees who have not implemented recommendations after one year, to report to us and to the Legislature why they have not implemented them or to state when they intend to implement them. Below is a listing of each recommendation the State Auditor made in the report referenced and a link to the most recent response from the auditee addressing their progress in implementing the recommendation and the State Auditor’s assessment of auditee’s response based on our review of the supporting documentation.
Recommendation 1
To ensure that housing committee members are able to effectively assist DSH in locating and securing housing for program participants, DSH should develop guidance by December 2024 for the committees that clearly defines the assistance each member of the committee should contribute based on the member’s areas of expertise. For example, the county counsel could identify county-owned properties suitable for potential placements, and law enforcement could provide areas where existing sex offender registrants in the county tend to reside.
Fully implemented
Date of implementation:
Nov. 2024
Evaluator assessment status:
Fully implemented
60-Day Agency Response
DSH has developed and finalized guidance for Housing Committee Designees based on each designee’s areas of expertise to aid in role clarity for designees during participation in Housing Committee Meetings (HCM). It is a one-page document that informs about HCM purpose and guidelines along with the role of each designee. The guidance was provided to designees for the November 2024 HCMs, will be distributed to designees for all future HCMs during scheduling, and has been published on DSH’s website under “Public Meetings”.
Public Reasoning Behind Assessment
DSH developed guidance for the housing committee members.
Recommendation 2
To potentially reduce the time needed to place program participants in community housing, DSH should explore establishing state-owned transitional housing similar to other states. Specifically, by September 2025, DSH should conduct an analysis of the benefits and feasibility of establishing transitional housing facilities for the program. To the extent it finds transitional housing beneficial to the program, it should seek necessary funding and legislative authority to implement such housing for the program.
Will not implement
Evaluator assessment status:
Will not implement
60-Day Agency Response
DSH will not implement this recommendation. As noted in DSH’s response letter to the audit report dated September 25, 2024, DSH has previously reviewed this option and similar barriers that exist today in placing individuals in the community would still be a factor for transitional housing. Furthermore, individuals would ultimately still need to be placed into the community after the transitional housing, thus it would result in significant increased costs to the General Fund without resolution to the current challenges associated with placing individuals into the community.
Public Reasoning Behind Assessment
DSH’s response indicates that it will not implement this recommendation.
Recommendation 3
To obtain timely assurance that Liberty Healthcare is operating the program in compliance with relevant statutes and policies, DSH should begin its next formal program review of Liberty Healthcare by March 2025, at which time it should also establish defined intervals for future program reviews.
Not fully implemented
Date of implementation:
March 2025
Evaluator assessment status:
60-Day Agency Response
DSH has scheduled its next Formal Program Review of Liberty Healthcare for February 2025 and is set to establish intervals for future program reviews in CONREP policy by the end of December 2024. The Formal Program Review will be complete by the March 2025 deadline as well as related policy as to when DSH shall conduct its next review.
Public Reasoning Behind Assessment
Per DSH’s response, it has not fully implemented this recommendation.
Recommendation 4
To ensure that Liberty Healthcare remedies program deficiencies in a timely manner, DSH should develop a process by December 2024 to track Liberty Healthcare’s implementation of the recommendations resulting from program and quarterly reviews. This process should include DSH identifying the recommendations Liberty Healthcare should prioritize, requiring Liberty Healthcare to provide updates on the key tasks it must accomplish to implement each recommendation, and requiring Liberty Healthcare to provide estimated completion dates for each key task and each recommendation.
Fully implemented
Date of implementation:
Nov. 2024
Evaluator assessment status:
Fully implemented
60-Day Agency Response
DSH has developed and implemented a process to track outcomes from formal and quarterly program reviews. A physical tracker has been created and implemented so that DSH team members can utilize it during site visits to track action items, ensure outcomes have been completed, to analyze the status of recommended outcomes, and to prioritize completion timelines. The tracker has been shared with Liberty Healthcare for their continued input on progress, with discussion of outcomes and progress to occur during weekly clinical liaison meetings.
Public Reasoning Behind Response
DSH developed a process to track Liberty Healthcare’s implementation of the recommendations resulting from program and quarterly reviews which includes items outlined in our recommendation.
Recommendation 5
To ensure that the State receives the best value when contracting for program services, DSH should, by March 2025, analyze the feasibility of using separate contracts to allow vendors to bid on providing particular types of services or providing services in specific regions of the State. For example, DSH could solicit bids for a housing placement services contract separate from a contract for overseeing and providing services to program participants after they are placed in the community. DSH should also evaluate whether it would be more cost effective to conduct some activities, such as the housing search, internally.
Not fully implemented
Date of implementation:
March 2025
Evaluator assessment status:
60-Day Agency Response
DSH is in the early stages of developing a plan to conduct an analysis on utilizing separate contract for specific services and to evaluate the cost effectiveness of absorbing some contracted activities internally. DSH is analyzing the current contract with Liberty Healthcare Services to analyze which, if any, contract items may fit into either of the recommendations listed above. Further, DSH is in the early stages of planning for the development of various RFIs for individual program services in preparation for soliciting interested vendors to provide components of the CONREP SVP program, as opposed to providing all pre- and post-placement services of the CONREP SVP program.
Public Reasoning Behind Assessment
Per DSH’s response, it has not fully implemented this recommendation.