2024-030 The State Bar of California
It Must Continue to Achieve Cost Savings and Reduce Its Growing Backlog of Disciplinary Cases
It Must Continue to Achieve Cost Savings and Reduce Its Growing Backlog of Disciplinary Cases
It Must Continue to Achieve Cost Savings and Reduce Its Growing Backlog of Disciplinary Cases
Waste and Inefficiency, Improper Hiring, and Other Improper Governmental Activities
Significant Maintenance Deficiencies at Some Schools May Place Students’ Safety and Learning at Risk
Streamlining the Community College Transfer Process Could Increase Access
to Bachelor’s Degrees
Streamlining the Community College Transfer Process Could Increase Access to Bachelor’s Degrees
Inadequate Oversight and Inappropriate Expenditures Weaken the Local Jurisdiction Assistance Grant Program
Inadequate Oversight and Inappropriate Expenditures Weaken the Local Jurisdiction Assistance Grant Program
The State Could Better Ensure That It Does Not Contribute to Tropical Deforestation
The State Could Better Ensure That It Does Not Contribute to Tropical Deforestation
It Has Yet to Spend Tens of Millions of Dollars Intended to Provide Services to Realigned Youth
It Has Yet to Spend Tens of Millions of Dollars Intended to Provide Services to Realigned Youth
See which audit reports are in process and the expected timing of their publication.
Our reports may be requested in alternative formats for an individual with a disability.
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