Preventive Services Utilization Rates by Age -- All Years

Age Utilization Rate Average Number of Children
0 70.2 227,823
1 40.2 230,983
2 26.9 240,417
3 63 249,034
4 67.5 256,393
5 59.2 257,571
6 52.2 257,673
7 45.4 257,998
8 44.4 259,810
9 43.7 262,636
10 43.4 268,471
11 52.2 274,794
12 51.3 276,481
13 44.6 270,940
14 45.5 262,768
15 43.8 255,283
16 42.9 250,729
17 38.8 247,391
18 24.9 234,956
19 18.6 215,745
20 16.7 209,106

Source: Analysis of data from the Department of Health Care Services' Management Information System/Decision Support System.

Note: To maintain the confidentiality of small groups of children, we redacted groups of 10 or less children from the above information.