2024-107 — California Healthy Youth Act Implementation
Audit Scope and Objectives
The audit by the California State Auditor will provide independently developed and verified information related to the implementation of the California Healthy Youth Act (CHYA). The audit’s scope will include, but not be limited to, the following activities:
- Review and evaluate the laws, rules, and regulations significant to the audit objectives.
- Survey high school districts, high and middle school districts, and unified school districts to determine whether and at which grade levels they provide mandatory CHYA-compliant instruction, and to determine levels of compliance. Further, for a selection of school districts, determine the following:
- Whether the selected school districts’ instruction includes information about LGBTQ+ bodies and relationships.
- Whether the selected school districts’ instruction includes information about sexual harassment, sexual assault, adolescent relationship abuse, intimate partner violence, and sex trafficking.
- The barriers the school districts have faced in implementing CHYA-compliant instruction.
- Whether the selected school districts have modified the CHYA-required curriculum and, if so, assess the process used and determine whether the modifications comply with state law.
- Evaluate the selected school districts’ processes for ensuring that all eligible students received the CHYA-compliant instruction. Identify the following for the school years 2021-22 through 2022-23:
- The number of students whose parents or guardians submitted an affirmative opt-out for CHYA-compliant instruction.
- The number of students whose parents or guardians requested to preview CHYA-compliant instructional materials and how the districts provided those materials.
- The percentage of students who received CHYA-compliant instruction and whether that percentage complies with state law.
- Determine how the selected school districts provide training to applicable educators regarding CHYA-compliant instruction, whether these districts contract with outside entities to provide that instruction, and whether the districts have a process to ensure that all applicable educators receive such training.
- Review and assess any other issues that are significant to the audit.