Report 2022-120 Recommendation 7 Responses

Report 2022-120: Orange County Power Authority: Increased Board Oversight Is Needed to Improve Its Operations (Release Date: February 2023)

Recommendation #7 To: Orange County Power Authority

To enhance transparency and build trust with its member communities and the public, by May 2023 OCPA's board should direct staff to report no less than quarterly on the number of public records requests received, closed, and pending; the average time OCPA took to respond to those requests; and the reasons for withholding or not providing requested documentation, if applicable.

6-Month Agency Response

Quarterly PRA report was presented to the Board at its 5-17-2023 meeting (See item 9.5).

At the meeting there was discussion about the quarterly reporting of this information. Below is a video clip where this item is discussed.

The conversation regarding the Quarterly PRA report begins at 26:52.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented

The report OCPA provided to its board for the period of January 1, 2023 through May 12, 2023 includes the relevant information specified in our recommendation. The document indicates that it will be updated and provided to the board quarterly. Thus we assess this recommendation as fully implemented. In addition, at the May 17, 2023 board meeting during which the report was discussed, OCPA staff stated their intent to pursue software that would assist the organization in processing and reporting on public records requests.

60-Day Agency Response

OCPA has developed an Improvement Plan to address each recommendation. In accordance with the Improvement Plan, this recommendation will be completed as of June 2023.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

OCPA has not yet submitted evidence demonstrating it has implemented this recommendation.

All Recommendations in 2022-120

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.