Report 2018-114 Recommendation 22 Responses

Report 2018-114: Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Program: The Departments of General Services and Veterans Affairs Have Failed to Maximize Participation and to Accurately Measure Program Success (Release Date: February 2019)

Recommendation #22 To: General Services, Department of

To strengthen the enforcement of DVBE laws, regulations, and guidelines, General Services should track program abuse complaints, including the type of program abuse, how it was reported or discovered, and the dates specific actions were taken on the case. This tracking will enable the awarding departments to identify weaknesses within their processes and provide insight into how to address these issues, improving the DVBE program overall.

6-Month Agency Response

DGS has completed development of its comprehensive and consolidated tracking of complaints as recommended. The goal was a single location to get information regarding the number of complaints, types, how they are reported and dates specific actions were taken.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Fully Implemented

60-Day Agency Response

DGS is developing and updating its comprehensive and consolidated tracking of complaints as recommended. The goal is a single location to get information regarding the number of complaints, types, how they are reported and dates specific actions were taken. Testing of format is planned for April 2019 and completed by June 2019.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

All Recommendations in 2018-114

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.