Report 2015-115 Recommendations

When an audit is completed and a report is issued, auditees must provide the State Auditor with information regarding their progress in implementing recommendations from our reports at three intervals from the release of the report: 60 days, six months, and one year. Additionally, Senate Bill 1452 (Chapter 452, Statutes of 2006), requires auditees who have not implemented recommendations after one year, to report to us and to the Legislature why they have not implemented them or to state when they intend to implement them. Below, is a listing of each recommendation the State Auditor made in the report referenced and a link to the most recent response from the auditee addressing their progress in implementing the recommendation and the State Auditor's assessment of auditee's response based on our review of the supporting documentation.

Recommendations in Report 2015-115: Dually Involved Youth: The State Cannot Determine the Effectiveness of Efforts to Serve Youth Who Are Involved in Both the Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Systems (Release Date: February 2016)

Recommendations to Alameda County
Number Recommendation Status

Alameda County probation department should update its existing procedures to ensure that its staff are accurately recording family reunification service components within the statewide case management system.


To identify their population of dually involved youth, Alameda County's CWS and probation agencies should designate the data system they will use for tracking the dates and results of joint assessment hearings.

Fully Implemented

To identify their population of dually involved youth, Alameda County's CWS and probation agencies should provide guidance or training to staff on recording joint assessment hearing information consistently within the designated system.

Fully Implemented
Recommendations to Kern County
Number Recommendation Status

To identify their population of dually involved youth, Kern County's CWS and probation agencies should designate the data system they will use for tracking the dates and results of joint assessment hearings.

Fully Implemented

To identify their population of dually involved youth, Kern County's CWS and probation agencies should provide guidance or training to staff on recording joint assessment hearing information consistently within the designated system.

Fully Implemented
Recommendations to Legislature
Number Recommendation Status

To ensure that county CWS and probation agencies are able to identify their populations of dually involved youth, the Legislature should require Social Services to implement a function within the statewide case management system that will enable county CWS and probation agencies to identify dually involved youth.

Legislation Enacted

To ensure that county CWS and probation agencies are able to identify their populations of dually involved youth, the Legislature should require Social Services to issue guidance to the counties on how to use the statewide case management system to track joint assessment hearing information completely and consistently for these youth.

Legislation Enacted

To better understand and serve the dually involved youth population, the Legislature should require the Judicial Council to work with county CWS and probation agencies and state representatives to establish a committee, or to work with an existing committee, to develop a common identifier counties can use to reconcile data across CWS and probation data systems statewide.

Legislation Enacted

To better understand and serve the dually involved youth population, the Legislature should require the Judicial Council to work with county CWS and probation agencies and state representatives to establish a committee, or to work with an existing committee, to develop standardized definitions for terms related to the populations of youth involved in both the CWS and probation systems, such as dually involved, crossover, and dual status youth.

Legislation Enacted

To better understand and serve the dually involved youth population, the Legislature should require the Judicial Council to work with county CWS and probation agencies and state representatives to establish a committee, or to work with an existing committee, to identify and define outcomes for counties to track for dually involved youth, such as outcomes related to recidivism and education.

Legislation Enacted

To better understand and serve the dually involved youth population, the Legislature should require the Judicial Council to work with county CWS and probation agencies and state representatives to establish a committee, or to work with an existing committee, to establish baselines and goals for those outcomes.

Legislation Enacted

To better understand and serve the dually involved youth population, the Legislature should require the Judicial Council to work with county CWS and probation agencies and state representatives to establish a committee, or to work with an existing committee, to share the common identifier, definitions, and outcomes with the Legislature, for their consideration to require counties to utilize and track these elements.

Legislation Enacted

If the State enacts data-related requirements, it should require the Judicial Council's committee to compile and publish county data two years after the start of county data collection requirements.

Legislation Enacted
Recommendations to Los Angeles County
Number Recommendation Status

To identify their population of dually involved youth, Los Angeles County's CWS and probation agencies should designate the data system they will use for tracking the dates and results of joint assessment hearings.

Fully Implemented

To identify their population of dually involved youth, Los Angeles County's CWS and probation agencies should provide guidance or training to staff on recording joint assessment hearing information consistently within the designated system.

Fully Implemented
Recommendations to Riverside, County of
Number Recommendation Status

To identify their population of dually involved youth, Riverside County's CWS and probation agencies should designate the data system they will use for tracking the dates and results of joint assessment hearings.

Fully Implemented

To identify their population of dually involved youth, Riverside County's CWS and probation agencies should provide guidance or training to staff on recording joint assessment hearing information consistently within the designated system.

Fully Implemented
Recommendations to Sacramento County
Number Recommendation Status

Sacramento County probation department should update its existing procedures to ensure that its staff are accurately recording family reunification service components within the statewide case management system.

Fully Implemented

To identify their population of dually involved youth, Sacramento County's CWS and probation agencies should designate the data system they will use for tracking the dates and results of joint assessment hearings.

Fully Implemented

To identify their population of dually involved youth, Sacramento County's CWS and probation agencies should provide guidance or training to staff on recording joint assessment hearing information consistently within the designated system.

Fully Implemented
Recommendations to Santa Clara County
Number Recommendation Status

To identify their population of dually involved youth, Santa Clara County's CWS and probation agencies should designate the data system they will use for tracking the dates and results of joint assessment hearings.

Will Not Implement

To identify their population of dually involved youth, Santa Clara County's CWS and probation agencies should provide guidance or training to staff on recording joint assessment hearing information consistently within the designated system.

Will Not Implement

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